If you want to see all your emails in one place so this post can be help you . Today I am telling you how you can import data from Rediffmail to Gmail or how to get Rediffmail mails in one place . If you want to import data from Rediffmail to Gmail follow these simple instructions :- 1. Open mail.google.com and login to your gmail account . 2. When you got logged in there are two ways if you are opening gmail in computer or PC then refer to 3rd instruction but if you are not using a computer or using a mobile then go to mail.google.com and click on menu button that is in left side of the page then go to bottom and you will see a link DESKTOP click on it Now your Gmail got opened like Desktop . 3. Then click on settings when the window opened go to the bottom of the window and click on standard . Also read How to Deactivate Facebook Account 4. Click on Gear button that is in top right of window then click on settings . 5. After it click on Accounts ...